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Friendship & the Body of Christ

Author: Peter Atkinson
Published By: SPCK (London)
Pages: 84
Price: £?
ISBN: 0 281 05693 5

Reviewed by Wilma Roest.

Canon Atkinson’s book on friendship began as a series of lectures in Chichester Cathedral, which were followed by discussions. ‘Friendship and the body of Christ’ suggests that friendship is a greatly neglected category of human relations, despite being key to St John’s description of the relationship between God and humankind.

It takes the reader on a brief journey through time, from Hebrew Bible to more recent history, in just 5 short chapters. A further 2 chapters discuss friendship between men and women, and friendship and homosexuality, before a final chapter reminds the reader of the gospel imperative to love God and love another.

Much is said these days on relationships, be they hetero or homosexual. However, I agree with Atkinson that not enough is said on the gift of true Christian friendship. Inevitably in a book of this length we are not offered a comprehensive study of friendship; however it does offer a useful starting point in discussions (e.g. Lent groups) on the celebration of spiritual friendship within the Christian community.

Atkinson’s main point is that friendship is a form of relationship that best expresses the new God-given freedom in Christ, free from distinctions of race and social structure and gender.

‘God is friendship’ wrote St Aelred of Rievaulx. In our friendships we catch a glimpse of what it means to be friends with God. In a world starved of friendships Christians are given a new opportunity for mission through the greatest gift of the Creator, namely that of relationships.

Wilma Roest

Team Vicar in North Lambeth Parish

Ministry Today

You are reading Issue 36 of Ministry Today, published in March 2006.

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