Author: | Stephen G Dempster |
Published By: | IVP and Apollos (Leicester) |
Pages: | 272 |
Price: | £12.99 |
ISBN: | 0 85111 783 X |
This is an invaluable resource for preachers who want to engage with the Old Testament - something that is increasingly neglected in Christian circles. It is not so much that he brings the text alive, because, of course, the text is alive. Rather it is simply that he uncovers the sheer artistry of the Old Testament narrative, letting the story speak for itself and deliver its own message rather than imposing some bland or simple application to the text. This is theology at its best and it is one of those books that every preacher of the gospel ought to have in his or her library.
You are reading Issue 36 of Ministry Today, published in March 2006.
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