Welcome to Ministry Today in its new format. Although Ministry Today is still available in paper form for those without ready internet access, most of our subscribers will now be receiving the journal in electronic format. If you have internet access, but would still prefer the read the articles and ...
I am not sure when I first heard the words ‘emerging church’, but it immediately caught my interest. I guess the word ‘emerging’ gave the impression of something new and not quite formed and, in a church culture which seems to fall too easily into uniformity and blandness, this word ...
Abstract Discussions on the Covenant between the Church of England and the Methodist Church need to take into account the attitudes and practices of clergy and ministers in the parishes and the circuits if the ministries of the two churches are to come together in some way in the future. ...
The following article is unusual for Ministry Today because it actively and enthusiastically promotes one particular way of developing church or parish life and ministry. Because of the writer's commitment to and involvement in the programme, he is rather uncritical of it. Ministry Today would be glad to publish in ...
Abstract The writer looks to New Zealand for inspiration from the ministry-led model widely adopted by the Baptist Union to discover a fresh take on the church meeting and church governance. Disaster Looms? As yet another round of statistics emerge on the formal membership of the mainline denominations, so we ...
Not all denominations have liturgies for a renewal of wedding vows. The following article is offered as an example of how one experienced minister does it. Wedding music Welcome On the occasion of the centenary of our church's life, I warmly welcome you all to this service of renewal of ...
For many years the Baptist Union, as I imagine most other denominations, has encouraged its ministers to take a three-month period of sabbatical every seven years or so after ordination. And what a gift these sabbaticals are! For ministers can become “weary in well-doing”. In the words of Roy Oswald, ...
The saying goes that “power corrupts, and absoluter power corrupts absolutely”. Sadly nowhere is that more true than in the life of the local church. A friend was telling me recently about a little local difficulty in his church. One of the elders was becoming increasingly frail, and was eventually ...
In her lively commentary on the book of Esther (Abingdon, Nashville 2005; 177pp; £13.99; ISBN 0 687 47942 2. Available in the UK through Alban Books of Edinburgh), Linda Day addresses not simply the traditional concerns of scholars, but also seeks to root the message of Esther, ‘the outed Jew, ...
You are reading Issue 36 of Ministry Today, published in March 2006.
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