Author: | Tom Wright (DVD) and John Schwarz (Guide) |
Published By: | SPCK (London) |
Pages: | 64 |
Price: | £60 + £4.99 |
ISBN: | 0 281 05734 6 |
This DVD (ISBN 82 8188 891 1) is a ten-part course in 25 minute sessions dealing with basic aspects of the Christian faith. Disc 1 covers matters relating to the Bible - its overall story and message, the value of the Old Testament, the social context of Jesus’ ministry, the Gospels and the spread of first century Christianity. Disc 2 covers the history of Christianity, Christian doctrines, other religions and discipleship today.
The format features Tom Wright presenting facts in an accessible way with two American conversation partners who mainly listen, then ask a few questions. The presentation does not make good use of the medium - there are no visual aids used. The viewer is simply another companion around the table. Tom Wright’s approach is clear, concise, enthusiastic and sincere.
The accompanying study guide is a ‘dip-in’ resource, not a ‘cover-to-cover’ read. It is a compendium of essential facts supporting or explaining the DVD presentations, and also a useful backup for a group leader or for an individual wanting to use the DVD for personal development.
The DVD and Study Guide require high levels of concentration, fluency in the English language and intellectual ability. There needs to be a willingness to embrace the academic nature of the production.
They could be resources for would-be students, Christian leaders looking to brush up on basics, and academically-able Christians wanting to explore the faith in depth.
You are reading Issue 35 of Ministry Today, published in November 2005.
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