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Author: Metropolitan Anthony (translated by Tatiana Wolff)
Published By: Darton Longman and Todd
Pages: 319
Price: £9.95
ISBN: 0 232 52600 1

Reviewed by Pachomios Penkett.

I remember Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh in two contrasting contexts when he was head of the Russian Patriarchal Diocese in Great Britain. One was in receiving Holy Communion from him and the other was engaging in some informal conversations, both at the Russian Orthodox Cathedral in London. He was humble and transparent in both settings, enabling me to engage in a deeply personal relationship with him, with myself and, above all, with God.

It is a joy then that, after Anthony’s death in August 2003, we are still able to learn so much from his experiences and teaching through such books as Encounters. This latest book is another collection of largely unpublished talks and interviews (translated by Tatiana Wolff) given by the archbishop over the past forty years. Fresh and timeless as when they were first written, these fifteen pieces are an inspiration to us all.

Bishop Basil of Sergievo, the current leader of the Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain, gives a brief introduction to Anthony and the Diocese of Sourozh, placing these writings in their historical context. The book includes an autobiographical account of the Metropolitan’s early life and awareness of God alongside other aspects of encounter including Church and State, Church and Society, and spirituality and pastoral care.

Part of the joy of reading Metropolitan Anthony’s writings is his gift of expressing profound truths in an accessible and memorable manner, which was a vital part of his own personality.

Pachomios Penkett

Brother Pachomios Penkett is a solitary, living in Guernsey.

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You are reading Issue 35 of Ministry Today, published in November 2005.

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