Ministry Today in Cyberspace Editorials for Ministry Today are normally written by Paul Beasley-Murray, but, on this one occasion, I’ve taken on the task because of the significant change which is about to be made to the journal. As many of our subscribers will know, Ministry Today has, for a ...
Being a pastor never was an easy job, and in our society’s current secular climate there are extra pressures. Earlier this year the magazine Evangelicals Now conducted a survey of pastors to try to get some facts about being in the ministry in these days. The survey asked ministers to ...
Percy and Florence Arrowsmith, a couple from Hereford now 106 and 100 years old, made headline news recently, having just celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary, a feat that is expected to win them a place in the Guinness book of records. A solicitor’s clerk, Mr Arrowsmith worked for the same ...
Midlife is not the same as middle-age - it may begin well before a chronological middle-age and last long into ‘senior’ life. It is, however, an opportunity to rediscover yourself in God, although it may not feel like that. It will often be experienced as difficult and dark. It may ...
Recently we did something we’ve never done before. We went to the launch party of a rock ’n roll band who were about to release their first single. The reason we were there is that our son was a member of the band. They were loud, energetic, funny, rude and ...
This article is a transcript of the sermon preached by the author at the wedding of his son and daughter-in-law. When you announced that you were going to get married in this church, I was both pleased and intrigued. I was pleased that you wanted to be married in church, ...
Invitations keep arriving to attend re-unions - strange events, where you meet with people you last saw maybe 40 or 50 years ago. One was to the college where I trained for ministry, in the company of bright-eyed fervent well-thatched enthusiasts, pawing the ground as we prepared to change the ...
Katharine and Richard Hill have written a very useful guide called Rules of Engagement: How to Plan a Successful Wedding, How to Build a Marriage that Lasts (Lion/Care for the Family, 2005; 140pp; £6.99; ISBN 0 7459 4886 3). Thankfully, the book is more concise than the title! It’s an ...
You are reading Issue 35 of Ministry Today, published in November 2005.
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