Busy Days and Mondays "Sunday is your busy day". If I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times. And it infuriates me. Yes, I know that it is normally meant in jest, but I find it insulting and unthinking. Sunday is not my only busy day, for although ...
Anglican priest, chartered psychologist and fellow of the British Psychological Society. Professor of Practical Theology at University of Wales, Bangor. Work-related health The work-related health of the clergy is a matter of much more than academic concern, although academic research has played an important part in trying to come to ...
Archdeacon of Lambeth and member of the Board of Management of Ministry Today The title appears to present a pair of alternatives. Could it imply a church engrossed in internal divisions and disagreements about trivia whilst the world gets on with its business, able to leave religion happily playing in ...
Baptist Minister and Chaplaincy Team Leader at St Francis' Hospice, Romford Essex It was a warm, sunny late summer's day in 1993 as I walked into St Francis' Hospice to begin my new appointment as the first full time chaplain employed by the hospice. Previously I had worked in a ...
Work consultant and author. His book, "Why Do I Do This Every Day? Finding meaning in your work", is reviewed in this edition of Ministry Today. His website is at www.myworkinglife.com In May 2005 the mental health charity MIND published the results of an investigation into why mental health problems ...
Vicar of St Luke's with St Bartholomew's, Reading and a Work Consultant for the Diocese of Oxford Have you noticed how different people who minister are from each other? Even when they agree about theology and management theory, they work in very different ways. As a priest with over 30 ...
Ivor Smith - Cameron I am 72 and have been a priest for 48 years. As a child I learnt to pray, both by my membership of the church - in choir by hymn singing, in Sunday school by Bible stories - and at home by sharing in family morning ...
The following article was received from a known source, but is published anonymously in order to protect the integrity of everyone involved. For the same reason, it has been edited from the first person into the third. We publish it because the story is sadly not as rare as it ...
We all have to live somewhere. Hedgehog lives in a Vicarage, of which more in a moment. Some of you reading this little item live in a Manse or a Rectory or even a Presbytery or - horror of horrors - a curate house. Some of you may live in ...
Jesus and the Gospel Graham N Stanton Cambridge UP, 2004; 239pp; £15.95; ISBN 0 521 00802 6 This has already been a 'Book of the Month' in the Expository Times and it has all the hallmarks of Stanton's previous books: careful scholarship, readability and fresh insights. He is the Lady ...
You are reading Issue 34 of Ministry Today, published in June 2005.
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