TEN YEARS - AND STILL THRIVING! In March 1994 a new interdenominational agency was launched - Ministry Today. Initially known as the Richard Baxter Institute for Ministry, right from the beginning the focus of Ministry Today was on the well-being of the ministry. For as that great 17th century pastor ...
International managing editor of CultureWatch, and co-ordinator of Damaris Workshops and Damaris Study Groups The Matrix trilogy is one of the most significant phenomena in our culture at present. Christian leaders need to respond to it - and to films and the media in general - but how? Why is ...
Senior Minister of Central Baptist Church, Chelmsford, and Chairman of the Ministry Today Board of Management The agony and the ecstasy One of my most painful and yet ultimately extraordinarily exhilarating tasks in the past ten years has been to lead my church through a major building project. In a ...
Parish priest in the Diocese of St Albans and Ministry Today Board member One of the mixed blessings of being a minister in the Church of England is the buildings that go with it. In my case one Church building predates the Norman Conquest, though the other goes back only ...
Senior Minister-Elect of Guildford Baptist Church and Ministry Today Board Member Leaving a church is a kind of bereavement; not having a church to go on to is a case of pastoral unemployment. But rather than going into the disappointingly dull details of how I arrived at this state, I ...
Parish Priest, Diocesan Parish Development Adviser and Editor of Ministry Today After being a Baptist minister for 15 years, I was ordained into the Church of England in July 2000. This is the (much abbreviated) story of that journey. Starting the journey So how did a good Baptist boy get ...
Archdeacon of Lambeth in the Diocese of Southwark and Ministry Today Board Member When I was appointed to my previous post the most frequently asked question was "How does it feel following such an illustrious predecessor?" My answers ranged from "Fine" to "It doesn't worry me" or "I haven't really ...
Why? Because if our people are apathetic, whose fault is that? Presumably ours as church leaders (well, OK, perhaps our predecessor's), for forgetting to win their hearts before their heads, neglecting to connect with their needs and aspirations, failing to encourage and enable them to dream dreams and develop a ...
Ethics and the Old Testament (2nd Edition) John Barton SCM, London 2002; 112pp; £9.99; ISBN 0 334 02894 9 The Oxford Professor of Biblical Interpretation tackles the uphill task of making Old Testament ethics relevant for today. He acknowledges how difficult it is for those who read the Bible regularly ...
You are reading Issue 30 of Ministry Today, published in February 2004.
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