Following my appraisal last year it was suggested that I draw up a job description for myself. Eventually, after a number of months, I sat down somewhat reluctantly to write a job description. My reluctance arose from the fact that like many others I enjoy the freedom given to me ...
Reflections on the Conflicts of Interest Between Local Churches and Church-based Counselling Centres One of the fastest growing developments in local church ministry in the last 20 years is the proliferation of counselling centres and ministries in Britain, mirroring the explosion of counselling in the secular world. From the early ...
An article based on a paper first presented to a Baptist Assembly Seminar at Bridlington, 27th April 1994 Salt in the Salt-Cellar I would imagine that all of us have heard preachers preach sermons on our calling to be 'salt' in the world, the thrust being 'Get out there! Get ...
Alistair Ross talks to Father Pat Lynch, founder of the Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism and author of Awakening the Giant AR. Could you say a bit about yourself and how you came to be an evangelist in the Roman Catholic Church? PL. I am a bona-fide Roman Catholic priest ...
There is much debate today about the role of the pastor. What are we primarily called to do? At one level it is not a difficult question to answer. Our calling is to provide leadership to a congregation of the people of God. We are prepared for this to some ...
You are reading Issue 3 of Ministry Today, published in February 1995.
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