Chelmsford, the county town of Essex where I minister, is only 35 minutes away from London by fast train, and yet at times we seem light years away from the metropolis. This is particularly true when it comes to multi-ethnicity, with its twin brother, multi-culturalism. Although with a population of ...
J Alistair Ross This article is the first chapter of a book in which the author offers help with counselling skills for faith-community workers (details at the end of the article). Linda was the head teacher of a demanding inner city primary school in London. As a new minister in ...
Lord, it belongs not to my care Whether I die or live; To live and serve thee is my share, And this thy grace must give. If life be long, I will be glad That I may long obey; If short, yet why should I be sad To soar to ...
Philip Clements-Jewery and Simon Tatton-Brown In Edition 23 (October 2001), we published an article by Philip Clements-Jewery, which we entitled "Why Isn't It Working?". The article was a critique of present-day methods of evangelism and asked the question why, in spite of all the hype and activity, the church was ...
Is it proper or appropriate for Christian leaders to include members of their congregation in their circle of close friends? You may have a very clear view on this, but I suspect our views are affected by a range of issues, and particularly by our experience and our temperaments. You ...
On the 11th November - Armistice Day - 1992, I was present at Church House Westminster for the historic vote in General Synod to start preparing the legislation for the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood in the Church of England. The previous day I had travelled up to London ...
This article begins by defining briefly what is meant by a modern University, in fact by outlining some of its postmodern tendencies which can lend to University life much transience and fragmentation. The author identifies the need for Chaplaincy to find ways, through its activities and liturgies, to build community ...
So Canon Jeffrey John has been 'persuaded' to refuse his appointment as the next Bishop of Reading. Some are crying 'foul', while others are cheering a 'victory' for 'biblical' Christianity. Most of us are doing what Archbishop Rowan Williams has wisely advised us to do - keep our heads down ...
The Moral Leader - for the church and the world James Jones with Andrew Goddard IVP, Leicester, 2002; 160pp; £9.99; ISBN 0 85111 283 8 This book is based on the 2001 London Lectures in Contemporary Christianity delivered by James Jones, Bishop of Liverpool. At least the four chapters by ...
You are reading Issue 29 of Ministry Today, published in October 2003.
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