Like any other minister, I always have a thousand and one things to do. It is always a dilemma to know what to delegate and what to do oneself. It is a particular temptation to delegate the work of evangelism to others. Indeed, at one stage this is exactly what ...
It is not hard to find theologians and sociologists who warn that the crisis confronting institutional religion in western countries like New Zealand and the UK is massive, if not terminal. One of the most colourful comes from an Anglican church leader in describing the plight of his own denomination: ...
It was David Blunkett, during his time as Secretary of State for Education, who, in referring to a certain class of comprehensive school, popularised the phrase 'bulk-standard'. I want to put in a plea for 'bulk-standard theology'. I will immediately put my cards on the table. I am an ordinary ...
Paul Beasley-Murray A look at the challenges and opportunities of the best years of your life. What can the church do to help? How can the church benefit from the gifts and talents of the over 50s? What are the needs of the community for the over 50s and how ...
(The author was asked to offer a theology of stewardship as part of a training course for newly appointed Stewardship Advisers in the Church of England. The following is a transcript of that presentation, amended somewhat for a seminar at the Baptist Union Assembly in Cardiff, 2003) Setting out in ...
It is a sobering fact that in a church of 100 people, at some point during their lives sixty-six will have a significant experience of depression, by which I mean a form of depression which will interfere with and disrupt their lives. Indeed, at any given moment in the life ...
(Ministry Today asked a number of Christian leaders if they would write a short article on their habits of prayer. We are grateful to Bishop David for the following) I am the sort of person who benefits from some sort of discipline, so I try to have a time for ...
The Trinity Roger E Olson and Christopher A Hall Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2002; 156pp; £10.99; ISBN 0 8028 4857 3 This is the first volume in a series to give basic information about basic Christian doctrines. After a short introduction, it has two main sections, and a very large ...
You are reading Issue 28 of Ministry Today, published in June 2003.
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