Experimentation No church can stand still - or if it does, then it dies. For constant change is the essence of life. One of the challenging roles for any church leader, therefore, is to be a change-agent, helping the local church to adapt to the ever-changing culture around us. In ...
This article discusses aspects of ministry to adult survivors of sexual abuse. Signs of past abuse are listed along with ways in which pastors can support sufferers in a church setting where secrecy has been the norm. The complexity of the healing process is identified and the difficulty survivors encounter ...
At the Ministry Today conference at High Leigh in February 2001, we asked Phil Greenslade to address two questions: 1) what is the role and task of pastoral ministry and 2) why do we lose so many shepherds? Here are his answers. “They have treated the wound of my people ...
Those of us in full-time Christian ministry are well aware that people leave ministry in circumstances they would neither have wanted, nor expected. However, the evidence has largely been anecdotal and there does not appear to have been much desire to explore any deeper for fear of what we might ...
The following is an example of how one church exercises pastoral care in such as way as to ensure that, as far as possible, no-one can miss the safety net. Although Paul’s congregation is larger than most, we include the article because we believe that there are lessons here which ...
Regular readers will remember Paul Beasley-Murray’s impassioned appeal in the previous edition of this journal that professional photographers should not be allowed to dominate weddings. Quite right too! Sadly, however, where there is money to be made, there will be people who are willing to exploit the situation for their ...
“I think it a huge shame that your seminar title implies that teenagers are something negative - it’s hardly surprising they behave as though the world hates and fears them when we regard teenagers as something to be survived, rather than valued, nurtured and encouraged. OK, I know it’s meant ...
Changing World, Changing Church Michael Moynagh Monarch with Administry, London 2001; 190pp; £7.99; ISBN 1 85424 516 3 This book deserves the rave reviews it is getting: “An essential guide to how the church can be transformed”; “Not a book for the faint hearted, though visionaries and prophets will love ...
You are reading Issue 24 of Ministry Today, published in February 2002.
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