Pastoral Care Today I have in front of me a beautifully-presented copy of Pastoral Care Today: Practice, Problems and Priorities in Churches Today (published by CWR, Farnham, Surrey, 2000; ISBN 1 85345 169 X), an interim report from a survey, initiated by CWR/Waverley Christian counselling in association with the Evangelical ...
This article is an edited transcript of an address delivered at Greenbelt 2000, reproduced here with the author's permission, for which we are grateful. One of the problems that I think we are facing these days when we try to communicate what faith is about might be expressed in these ...
Diaries, like fire and water, are wonderful servants, but dreadful masters. Given that the day-to-day exercise of the pastoral ministry has such an unknown quantity about it, planning ahead may seem to be an exercise in futility. We frequently complain about shortages of time and the stresses arising from unexpected ...
David slumped into his chair. Seven years in post was taking its toll. He'd started with such energy and enthusiasm, so many high ideals and plans for change. Fifteen years of preaching. Fifteen years of pastoring. Fifteen years of praying. Fifteen years. David wondered about the next 30 years. Would ...
In your ministry you will almost certainly meet an alligator. You will be lucky if you meet only one. Alligators must be dealt with, and for this to happen, they must be recognised. An alligator is not just a person who disagrees with the minister. Most church people disagree with ...
(The author of this article is a regular contributor to Ministry Today, so, when he took a sabbatical after 10 years in ministry, we asked him to allow us to share his reflections on those years) I'm a Filofax person. And that's an understatement! Not only do I have sections ...
Having recently had to move my whole private library to a different room, I'm perhaps more sharply aware of the real 'treasures' than I would otherwise be. In making my choice, I assume I'm allowed a Bible and Shakespeare in addition to these ten. If a Bible is to be ...
Are you wondering what to give up for Lent? Well, here's Hedgehog's suggestion - give up watching or listening to the news, including the so-called 'local' news. Yes, I know it'll be tough, but you'll feel a lot better for it and your ministry will become more effective as a ...
The Challenge of Jesus N T Wright SPCK, London, 2000; 163pp; £9.99; ISBN 0 281 05286 7 I must declare an interest at the beginning of this review and admit that I am an enthusiast for the work of Tom Wright. Having read his two major New Testament studies - ...
You are reading Issue 21 of Ministry Today, published in February 2001.
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