What do you mean by "a successful ministry"?', a middle-aged woman asked me sharply. At that time her husband was struggling with a dwindling congregation and a rot-infested building on the edge of the inner city. In spite of being a wonderfully caring pastor and a magnificently stimulating preacher, he ...
We are now approaching the closing years of our twentieth century. This simple chronological fact has stimulated a great deal of thinking about the progress of the church and its mission over the last 100 years. At just the same point of time, 100 years ago, our forebears were engaged ...
Introduction We all have our ideas and models of what christian ministry should be. Let me suggest that we can do no better than turn to Paul as the apostolic paradigm and see in his understanding a set of paradoxical pictures to assist us. In 2 Corinthians 4:7 the apostle ...
The choice of Richard Baxter as figurehead for this new Institute for Ministry is both significant and challenging; it has certainly thereby set itself a very high standard. In particular Richard Baxter is a role-model of devoted and thorough pastoral counselling. That was the primary ministerial method by which he ...
Returning to the pastorate after a number of years teaching in a theological college (and to my own home church to boot) would have been shock enough to the system; taking on a church which was twice the size of anything 1 had pastored before was an even greater challenge. ...
Chronology would suggest I am in the midst of a so-called `mid-ministry crisis'. As a student pastor I accepted pastoral responsibility for the Langholm Baptist Church in Auckland, New Zealand in 1974. Lord willing, I shall retire in 2014 at 65 years of age. So here I am in 1994, ...
Getting here My family and I moved to Cambridgeshire in 1991 after seven years teaching theology and pastoral skills at Moorlands Bible College. During this period, after worshipping in an Anglican church, for some years and becoming acclimatised to a mixture of informality, liturgy, different architecture, we ourselves became Anglicans. ...
You are reading Issue 2 of Ministry Today, published in September 1994.
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