The tyranny of preaching! Am I the only minister who regrets the failure of the French Revolution to establish a ten day week? As it is Sundays come round every seventh day, with the result that every seven days many, if not most, of us have to have two new ...
The tyranny of preaching! Am I the only minister who regrets the failure of the French Revolution to establish a ten day week? As it is Sundays come round every seventh day, with the result that every seven days many, if not most, of us have to have two new ...
Complimentarity in ministry is language which we use easily and often appropriately of the different ways in which men and women minister, and therefore of the strengths and mutual aid which they can offer one another. As one who has been shaped by traditions which have not affirmed the ordained ...
In his excellent book, Between Two Worlds, Andrew Irvine writes: "To allow the theological educators to assume they alone know the needs of the clergy, and for that matter the Church, in today's society, is to have training controlled by academia rather than by practice. Both must come into the ...
Like a good number of other churches we have appointed a trainee youth minister. We marked the beginning of his training with a service of commissioning. In the hope that this might be of interest to other churches, I have taken the liberty of reproducing the form of words used ...
(This is the second part of a two part article about the Open Book project. The first half of the article appeared in the June 1999 edition of Ministry Today) Read Part I THE CHALLENGE FOR THE PREACHER In the light of this complex challenge, what does The Open Book ...
A few years back a pastor who left his congregation under a cloud defined rather wistfully the kind of church he would like to be called to in the future: one where he would be accepted for who he was, where the leadership had great vision and where there were ...
Stories abound of bishops who, struggling to place 'difficult' clerics in positions where they would do least damage, eventually decide on chaplaincy as a suitable place to lose the poor unfortunate. For a long time, I had thought of chaplaincy as an exclusively Anglican domain with a high ratio of ...
A long time ago, I noticed that the shift workers who attended our church didn't - attend, that is. They were very committed to their Christian faith, but didn't come to church very often. Being of a radical turn of mind, I asked them why. They explained that our 11.00am ...
God For A Secular Society -The Public Relevance of Theology Jürgen Moltmann SCM; 292pp; £14.95; ISBN 0 334 02751 9 I was immensely stimulated by this book of lectures written over the last eight years and given in predominantly secular institutions. It provides a primer for anyone wanting to apply ...
You are reading Issue 17 of Ministry Today, published in October 1999.
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