Five years young! It was five years ago, on 21st March 1994, that the Richard Baxter Institute For Ministry was formally launched in the Council Chamber of the Free Church Federal Council in London's Tavistock Square. In our press release of that day we boldly stated: "The RBIM does not ...
Recently I was involved in a discussion of the anxiety levels of ordinands. While fully sure of their vocation many, it seemed, were very nervous about what they were getting into. Of course memory distorts the past, but I do not recall such an atmosphere before my own ordination, forty-odd ...
(As the millennium approaches there seems to be a renewed awareness of the spiritual and a rich potential for the churches to proclaim their message to more receptive ears. In their new book, "Gone But Not Forgotten", Philip Richter and Leslie J Francis argue that a key to mission and ...
This short article consists of the instructions usually given to Care Group leaders in Victoria Road South Baptist Church, Chelmsford and gives an insight into the way in which one church enables and equips its team of pastoral care volunteers Care groups are the primary focus of pastoral care within ...
"In the minds of most Christians in our churches there is a deep cleavage between the purposes of God and the world of secular reality" (Graham Dow, A Christian Understanding of Daily Work, Grove Booklet, Pastoral 57). "Nine out of ten practising Christians feel their work is always at the ...
I have worked for almost ten years in the Anglican diocese of London. When I arrived the unspoken but pervasive assumption was that much of London was over churched. The task therefore was to be patient and simply allow frail congregations to become even more fragile, so that the suggestion ...
Be gentle with yourself. Remind yourself that you are an enabler not a magician. We cannot change anyone else - we can only change how we relate to them. Find a hermit spot. Use it daily. Give support, encouragement and praise to peers and to management. Learn to accept it ...
What is 'Cell-Church' A steadily increasing number of churches in the United Kingdom have been exploring cell-church ideas through the last five years or so. The cell church movement is a worldwide phenomenon emphasising again the role of small groups within church life and focusing on the development of mission, ...
Can anyone tell my why it is that some Christians, who in most other respects seem capable of speaking normal English, seem to lapse into a repetitive and/or meaningless gobbledegook when they start talking to the Almighty? Before anyone decides to cancel their subscription to this august journal, let me ...
Interpreting God's Plan. Biblical Theology and the Pastor Edited by R J Gibson Paternoster Press, Carlisle, 1998; £7.99; 130 pp; ISBN 0 85364 881 6 This set of papers is derived from the 1996 School of Theology at Moore College, Adelaide, a conservative evangelical Anglican seminary. Amongst the theological presuppositions ...
You are reading Issue 15 of Ministry Today, published in February 1999.
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