First two appeals for help from RBIM members. Over the last few years the RBIM Board has been very pleased with the high standard of articles we have been privileged to print in Ministry Today. However, we are conscious that we need to work more at earthing our articles in ...
This article seeks to question our understanding of stress amongst ministers by consideration of the stories that are told to ministers and by ministers within `ministerial culture', suggesting that some of these stories may contribute to the existence and maintenance of the high levels of stress and `burnout' being reported ...
I had made some good friends among the women in the church, but because they had to relate to John as their minister, I felt I couldn't tell them how unhappy we were getting. So I pushed the feelings down and got on with life. Bible College may well have ...
For most of the century, the rural church and by association, the rural ministry in this country, has been thought of very much in terms of the church's second XI. This was reflected in the deployment of the ordained ministry. Until about 1960 it was quite usual and acceptable to ...
As a preacher, dealing with the things of God, you have to live within an understanding distance of God. Clement of Alexandria said years and years ago that the hard won truths of God are not easily available to every causal passer by. You have to give yourself to it, ...
For a long while a crisis model of conversion dominated most of our thinking about evangelism. People needed to be brought to a moment of decision and response. The great biblical story which inspired our efforts was Paul's dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus. During the Decade of Evangelism ...
This article allows me to rescue ten books from my blazing study. I am also allowed a Bible (NRSV) and a Hymn Book (Hymns Old and New, New Anglican Edition) of my choice. Two commentaries - Dennis Nineham on Mark (Penguin 1963) sceptical, but packed with insights, and Diarmuid McGann's ...
Recently I conducted the funeral of a baby boy, who died after just three hours of life. It was a deeply painful occasion - and all the more so in so far as Luke was the son of my colleague and his wife. With his parents' permission, I thought it ...
You are reading Issue 13 of Ministry Today, published in May 1998.
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