An overview Christian worship, declared Karl Barth, 'is the most momentous, the most urgent, the most glorious action that can take place in life'. Worship is the occasion when we men and women become truly alive; when we humans, made in the image of God, begin to fulfil the very ...
Of all the terms in the vocabulary of the Christian church, the one word that has been most misused, misrepresented, and intentionally demonized is change. To mention it in the context of worship is to invoke the kind of stares of stony disapproval one might expect if you told jokes ...
As I reflect as a musician on my view of worship, I realize that my experience of worship, and music in worship, goes back a long way. The majestic organ viewed from the gallery at Barking Baptist Tabernacle is one of my first memories of church as a child. Actually, ...
My journey has been long and accident prone! Whether it is of 'help' to anyone else, only God can tell. I believe profoundly that he uses us in our eccentricity and particularity. The Holy Spirit prays through each one of us, so while it all may be 'eccentric' and 'particular', ...
Worship A Defining Activity In 1961 Peter Hammond wrote The next few years will almost certainly produce a further harvest of still-born essays in the various ecclesiastical styles, complete with gothic chairs, fifteenth century altars, and all the familiar stock-in-trade of the church furnisher.1 He was lamenting the divorce which, ...
You are reading Issue 11 of Ministry Today, published in October 1997.
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