Welcome to the first edition of Ministry Today! Published by the Richard Baxter Institute for Ministry, it aims 'to promote excellence in the practice of ministry, enabling ministers and other pastoral leaders to become increasingly effective in the mission to which Christ has called them' (for further details, see the ...
The following extract is taken from the first chapter of Anne Townsend and Muriel Green's new book, Hidden Treasure. "I never have thought something like that could happen in our family - it's such a loving one and we all get on so well together!" wept Joan, Pete's mother, typical ...
Anne Townsend spends much of her time listening to those who have been abused, often by leaders within the church. As a consequence she has co-written Hidden Treasure, its message much needed by the church. The question explored here is, What do we do when we discover abuse in the ...
Is the pulpit a pedestal on which to display our own gifts or a platform from which to develop the gifts of the congregation? There is a significant difference between the pastor who is a spiritual performer and one who is a spiritual leader. Looking for a model of true ...
Remember when church fights used to be over the colour of the new carpet in the sanctuary? Or, whether there could be church suppers to raise money? Or, whether teenagers could dance in the church? In retrospect, those were more like picnics. Most of the `fighters' didn't really want to ...
I was introduced to Richard Baxter's The Reformed Pastor while I was a student at Bristol Baptist College in the early 1960's. I can recall being deeply impressed with the vision of the ministry described in the book and, in consequence, have read it almost every year of my ministry ...
There are 10,000 ex-pastors in Australia; about the same number as those serving in parishes of all denominations. For three years John Mark Ministries has offered counselling and encouragement to many of them and their spouses, and has initiated a major research project to find out why so many leave ...
As many ex-pastors in Australia as those serving in parishes of all denominations! The thought is mind-boggling. The question immediately arises: is massive ministerial fall-out a specifically Australian phenomenon, or is it also to be found here in the UK? The simple answer is: nobody knows. Perhaps Peter Brierley and ...
You are reading Issue 1 of Ministry Today, published in January 1994.
Ministry Today aims to provide a supportive resource for all in Christian leadership so that they may survive, grow, develop and become more effective in the ministry to which Christ has called them.
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