Vicar, Holy Trinity, Tulse Hill, South London
All Age Worship is not easy to do well. Frequently it is not really inclusive, not very satisfying, not deeply meaningful, too long, too light, too bizarre, too unimaginative. I have been creating and leading monthly All Age Worship for nearly thirty years and I have been guilty of all ...
All Age Worship is not easy to do well. Frequently it is not really inclusive, not very satisfying, not deeply meaningful, too long, too light, too bizarre, too unimaginative. I have been creating and leading monthly All Age Worship for nearly thirty years and I have been guilty of all ...
Local mission activities are highly contextual. What works in one place may not work in another. This article explores some of the ideas that are working in an urban parish in South London, along with one or two principles. We're not doing too badly at outreach currently, but that doesn't ...
Recently, in our church, we sang a fairly new song by Ben Cantelon, one of the hallowed songwriters of the i-worship generation. Apart from having to rid myself of the image of a national daily newspaper each time we repeated the words “My Guardian”, it’s a great anthem with a ...
Editor's note We're publishing this article earlier than usual because we feel that many colleagues will find it helpful to our thinking and reflection as we prepare for another Remembrance Sunday and especially the 'commemoration' of the start of World War I.
In 1984 the Anglican Consultative Council began to develop a mission statement for the worldwide Anglican Communion and in 1988 the Lambeth Conference adopted these ‘Five Marks of Mission’: To proclaim the good news of the Kingdom To teach, baptise and nurture new believers To respond to human need by ...
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