Senior Minister of Central Baptist Church, Chelmsford<br>and Chair of Ministry Today
Introducing Christianity (Routledge, Abingdon 2008; 498pp; £19.99; ISBN 978 0 415 77212 9) by James R Adair, a Baptist professor in Texas, is an amazingly wide-ranging introduction, which takes nothing for-granted. Divided into four main sections, Part I is entitled ‘Introduction to Christianity’ and deals with such basic questions as ...
I’ve just informed my church that I have no intention of retiring next Spring when I shall be 65 years of age, but rather have the strength, energy, and desire to continue to lead the church until I am 70. And the church members, God bless them, are delighted! When ...
I have just returned from six exhausting days at the Lambeth Conference. Yes, it was ‘full on’ from morning to night. I confess that I never made Morning Prayer at 6.30 a.m., but along with most of the bishops I was present at the 7.15 a.m. Eucharist, and from then ...
Should we still visit people in their homes? Although minister of one of the larger Baptist churches in England, I still believe in visiting people in their homes. I know that, for some of my peers, this is viewed as ‘small church’ mentality, with the result that they delegate the ...
I can’t remember when Alan and Alison first began to attend our church - it must have been toward the end of the last millennium. That sounds light-years away, but in fact it was only seven years ago! What I do remember was visiting Alan at the London Chest Hospital ...
Short Notes January 08 Commentary on the New Testament use of the Old Testament (Apollos, Nottingham, 2007; 1239pp; £29.99 hardback; ISBN 978 1 84474 196 0), edited by G K Beales and D A Carson, with contributions by some eighteen scholars, is a new type of commentary in which every ...
In Mirror Images: seeing ourselves in other people (SPCK, London 2007; 130pp; £7.99; ISBN 0 281 05774 5), David Adams, the well-known exponent of Celtic spirituality, reflects on what we can learn of God in our encounters with others: “We are all made in the image of God. We are ...
Just at the moment, I have two major ‘beefs’ about some of my brother and sister ministers, even though I deeply respect and honour them. The first relates to attendance at ministers’ gatherings. As far as I am concerned, once I have committed myself to attend a ministers’ meeting, then ...
Traditionally Monday is the minister’s day off, but not for me. Monday is my worst day of the week. It is the day when, after all the pressure of Sunday I experience the ‘Monday blues’. On Mondays I feel tired, I feel depressed. It is not until Tuesday that I ...
For a number of years we have been running a small café at the front of our church premises, four days a week, selling soups and sandwiches, pizzas and jacket potatoes, and a range of desserts, together with a variety of drinks. Staffed by volunteers, it's well patronised by students ...
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