Vicar of St Luke's with St Bartholomew's, Reading and a Work Consultant for the Diocese of Oxford Have you noticed how different people who minister are from each other? Even when they agree about theology and management theory, they work in very different ways. As a priest with over 30 ...
Vicar of St Luke's with St Bartholomew's Reading and a Work Consultant for the diocese of Oxford I liked the article by Ian Stackhouse on "The Gospel-Driven Church". It was refreshingly honest and made a very important statement about the priority of the gospel over techniques. This fits in well ...
The most important task I've been in paid Christian ministry since 1972, nearly a third of a century. All that time I have been interested in developing ministry. That includes my own ministry, but arguably my ministry is to develop the ministry of others. If by ministry we mean "Loving ...
You are reading Ministry Today, and these are all the articles by Nigel Hardcastle.
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