Editor of Ministry Today
On my bookshelf I have an old and well-thumbed copy of C H Spurgeon’s Lectures to My Students, into which, over the last thirty-two years, I have frequently dipped in search of pastoral wisdom. Unfortunately, the great man’s wisdom is rooted in the 19th century, and is therefore sometimes hard ...
Date for your diary Next year’s Ministry Today UK conference/retreat will be on Tuesday and Wednesday 10-11 March 2015, at the Diocesan Retreat House, Pleshey, Essex. Please note this date in your diary and plan to join us if you can. Details and booking forms from: The Revd David Parsons ...
(Views expressed in this article are those of the author alone, and do not necessarily reflect the position of Ministry Today UK on this subject)
Welcome to this latest edition of Ministry Today. This time we’ve gone a bit more controversial than most previous editions, for the simple reason that we at Ministry Today UK believe that all of us in pastoral ministry are faced with a huge range of issues not faced by previous ...
If we define Christendom (as the Collins English Dictionary does) as “the collective body of Christians throughout the world or throughout history”, then clearly, as long as there are Christians in the world, Christendom will survive. However, if we define Christendom (in my view, more accurately) as: that religious system ...
I do something as part of my ministry which, unless others know differently, is unique. Two and a half years ago, I started a rock and roll singing group in my parish. There are no auditions, so anyone can join, as long as they’re willing to dance as they sing. ...
In February 2011, the author was rushed to hospital in sudden and severe pain. It turned out to be a medim-sized kidney stone on the move. These are his reflections penned a week later (the stone took another two weeks to pass).
(This article began life as a sermon for Remembrance Sunday 2010. Further reflection led the author to realise that, with a little extra work, it might be of interest to Ministry Today readers) It would be easy to believe that we live in extraordinarily violent times. We don’t, of course, ...
In almost every previous edition of Ministry Today, the Editorial has been written by our founder and Chairman, the Revd Dr Paul Beasley-Murray. On this occasion, the 50th edition of Ministry Today, which happily coincides with Paul’s 40th anniversary of ordination, it is my privilege to pay tribute to him. ...
The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, first published in 1964, is in the process of being totally rewritten, with 7,100 fresh, original articles in the five volumes. The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon, Nashville. Available in the UK through Alban Books of Edinburgh) is edited by Katharine Sakenfeld ...
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