(This editorial had its origins in an invitation to contribute to a Lenten series on ‘Evangelism and the Third Age’, in which the emphasis was not on evangelising older people, but on older people evangelising younger people!)
What does make churches grow? I’ve been studying that question for the last thirty years. I should by now be able to give you the boiled down, one paragraph answer. However, I’m afraid I haven’t found it yet. It’s not for want of trying. Perhaps the one paragraph answer doesn’t ...
All Age Worship is not easy to do well. Frequently it is not really inclusive, not very satisfying, not deeply meaningful, too long, too light, too bizarre, too unimaginative. I have been creating and leading monthly All Age Worship for nearly thirty years and I have been guilty of all ...
I have been interested in how to build successful organisations practically all my life, which has included a 21-year career in the RAF, and latterly 20 years as a charity CEO. I have had lots of opportunities to see how people interact in a wide variety of situations, working with ...
Dorothy Day was an influential journalist and social activist in America in the 20th Century. She converted to Catholicism later in life, but her sense of social justice manifested itself early. It is of interest to me, as a youth minister, to explore the question of what drove Day to ...
You are reading Issue 69 of Ministry Today, published in March 2017.
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