You are reading an entry from 17th September 2015 in Church Matters, a blog by our general editor, Paul Beasley-Murray. If you wish to leave a comment, please visit
As those who have read my recent e-book, Leading God’s People (part of the Living Out the Call series) I am a great believer in churches setting out their vision clearly. Vision is key to leadership, and “where there is no vision, the people perish” (Prov 29.18).
In my recent visit to Western Australia I preached at a Baptist church in the suburbs of Perth that was into vision with a vengeance. They gave me a a copy of their vision document entitled: Carey 2020: Attempting the Extraordinary. Founded in 1996 less than twenty years ago, the church first built a school, Carey Baptist College, and then a pre-school, Jump: Carey Early Development Services, which between them have 1400 children and young people. In the last year or so they have built a large worship centre, an amazing coffee shop, and a suite of offices.
This is a church that is ‘attempting the extraordinary’. In their vision document they state:
Carey is a community of people united by a common dream. We long for nothing less than a world transformed by Christ’s love. We believe as a community that we are called on mission with God to attempt the extraordinary. Our strategy is to connect with the community and the world to develop community platforms through which people can:
- Experience God’s love
- Have the opportunity to say yes to Jesus; and
- Demonstrate God’s compassion for the world.
Their vision document includes a detailed strategy for service in six areas:
The vision document includes an ethos statement which highlights hope, compassion, family and learning:
Carey also has a list of values which shape the decisions they make and impact the way they implement them: viz. courage, respect, humility, integrity and kindness
I find this a wonderful document, and all the more wonderful in so far as I have seen that it is more than a package of words – Carey is a church which is determined to implement its values, and model its ethos and live out its values. The church has put together a great vision document which I found personally challenging.
With regard the strap-line Attempting the Extraordinary, I confess that my initial reaction was to feel that the church had secularised William Carey’s great slogan, Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God’. However, I then realised that the spirit of William Carey is well and truly alive in this church, and that what they have done is to package the slogan in a way which will encourage more easily the wider community as a whole to come on board with the church’s God-given vision. Incidentally, I like the participle ‘Attempting’ which emphasises the ongoing nature of the church’s mission.
You are reading an entry from 17th September 2015 in Church Matters, a blog by our general editor, Paul Beasley-Murray.
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