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50 lessons in life

You are reading an entry from 16th January 2014 in Church Matters, a blog by our general editor, Paul Beasley-Murray. If you wish to leave a comment, please visit

Some years ago, when I was celebrating the 25th anniversary of my ordination to Christian ministry I made a list of ‘25‘lessons in life’ I had learnt. On the 40th anniversary of my ordination I updated them to ‘40 lessons on life’. Now as I contemplate retiring from stipendiary ministry, I thought I would update them to ‘50 lessons in life’.

  1. Life is a constant adventure
  2. Life is to be lived passionately
  3. The best is yet to be
  4. Mountains are to be climbed
  5. Life is about growth
  6. Life is a journey in self-discovery
  7. Only the self-aware are secure
  8. God wants us to be real, not cardboard cut-outs
  9. God wants us to be rainbow people
  10. Integrity counts for more than success
  11. Life can be tough
  12. Wounds can make for healing
  13. All sunshine makes a desert
  14. God is there even in the dark
  15. God knows
  16. Time brings perspective
  17. Friends are often God’s agents
  18. Iron sharpens iron
  19. God’s love is experienced in unexpected places
  20. Orthopraxy is more important than orthodoxy
  21. It’s OK to be angry
  22. One way to inner freedom is to forgive
  23. Children are a great education
  24. A capable wife is more precious than jewels
  25. Families matter
  26. Grandchildren are wonderful beyond
  27. Work hard, but play hard too
  28. Make any excuse for a party
  29. Music expresses the soul
  30. Even extraverts need silence
  31. Special occasions are all the better for dressing up
  32. A glass of red wine enhances the day
  33. Cooking is a serious business
  34. An open table enriches life
  35. Seniors need to power-nap
  36. Travel broadens the mind
  37. Everybody has feet of clay
  38. Life is all the better for laughter
  39. A grateful heart leads to great contentment
  40. Jesus makes all the difference
  41. Health is a blessing
  42. Holidays matter
  43. A critical mind leads to wisdom
  44. A positive spirit creates happiness
  45. Joy is a sign of the Spirit
  46. There is always more to learn
  47. God wants us to make a difference
  48. Retirement is not a goal, but a stage
  49. Retirement offers new freedoms – hallelujah!
  50. My future is in God’s hands

I wonder, what would be the lessons you would list?

Ministry Today

You are reading an entry from 16th January 2014 in Church Matters, a blog by our general editor, Paul Beasley-Murray.

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