You are reading an entry from 19th April 2012 in Church Matters, a blog by our general editor, Paul Beasley-Murray. If you wish to leave a comment, please visit
This coming Sunday we shall be giving a special welcome to two families who will be bringing children for me to ‘dedicate’. Or at least that’s the term we Baptists traditionally have used. Ernest Payne and Stephen Winward in their classic Orders and Prayers for Church Worship (1960) listed ‘The Dedication of Children’ as one of the ‘Ordinances of the Church’. Similarly the next Baptist worship manual, Praise God (1980) complied by Alec Gilmore, Edward Smalley, and Michael Walker, called it ‘Infant Presentation’ – to my mind a much more old-fashioned term. Patterns and Prayers for Christian Worship (1991) compiled by Bernard Green and others used the term ‘Infant Presentation’, while the latest Baptist worship manual, Gathering for Worship: Patterns and Prayers for the Community of Disciples (2005) edited by Christopher Ellis and Myra Blyth, speaks of ‘Presenting, Blessing and Dedicating’. I sometimes speak of the service being one of ‘thanksgiving, promise-making and blessing’ – but that is a real mouthful. In my book, Faith and Festivity (1991), with tongue-in-cheek I used the term, ‘The dummy run’!
The ‘dummy run’ apart, the fact is that Biblical texts can be adduced for each form of wording:-.
Honesty compels us to admit that there are no biblical grounds for such a custom. But then there are no biblical grounds for weddings and funerals being held in church! However, just as it seems to us right and proper to mark weddings and funerals by a Christian service, to it is equally right and proper to mark the birth of a child by a Christian service. It is natural to want to thank God for the gift of a child; it is natural to ask God’s blessing upon the child. Furthermore, the birth of such a child is of such importance that it demands the utmost parents can give – so it makes sense for the parents to ‘dedicate’ themselves publicly to their role of bringing up the child Christ’s way; and because the task of Christian parenthood is so demanding, it is natural for church members in turn to ‘dedicate’ themselves to the task of caring for and supporting the parents.
In summary: strictly speaking to talk of dedicating children is wrong - the ceremony is more a service of thanksgiving, promise-making, and blessing. But for simplicity’s sake, I shall probably go on speaking of dedicating children!
You are reading an entry from 19th April 2012 in Church Matters, a blog by our general editor, Paul Beasley-Murray.
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