You are reading an entry from 8th March 2012 in Church Matters, a blog by our general editor, Paul Beasley-Murray. If you wish to leave a comment, please visit
In Double Cream (Monarch 1988), an anthology of Christian witticism collected by Stephen Gaukroger and Nick Mercer, there is a wonderful piece on the results of encouraging one’s minister:-
It may be that you don’t like your church’s minister. Well here is a tested prescription by which you can get rid of him (or her)
- Look at him straight in the eye when he’s preaching, and maybe say ‘Amen’ occasionally. He’ll preach himself to death in a short time
- Start paying him whatever he’s worth. Having been on starvation wages for years, he’ll promptly eat himself to death
- Shake hands with him and tell him he’s doing a good job. He’ll work himself to death
- Rededicate your own life to God and ask the minister to give you some church work to do.
- If all else fails, this one is certain to succeed: get your congregation to unite in prayer for him. Her’ll soon be so effective that some larger church will take him off your hands.
I smiled when I read this piece – and yet there is an ‘edge’ to it as well. The reality is that, in a British setting at least, encouragement of ministers is often sorely lacking. Unlike our American cousins, who seem always quick to affirm and praise, our default position as Brits is to tend to major on negative criticism.
I say this in a context where I am blessed with much kindness. A month or so ago I was quite unwell with the result that the doctor signed me off for a week – people are still asking me how I am. My fellow leaders are incredibly supportive – and church meetings are positive occasions. I am in a very good place: to quote the Psalmist “the lines have fallen for me in plesant places” (Ps 16.6). I almost feel guilty that life is so good. And yet the truth is that my people could improve their game as far as encouraging their ministers is concerned.
Just yesterday in our ministers’ meeting one of our number commented that when we preach ‘at home’ – as distinct from being a guest preacher elsewhere – words of appreciation are far and few between. Last Sunday morning, for instance, only one person thanked me for my sermon – and she is one of those people who always thank me, Sunday by Sunday.
So how can churches better encourage their ministers? Thom Rainer, the founding dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, offered the following six suggestions:
A slightly different set of suggestions was offered by the so-called ‘Jolly Blogger’, who drew up the following list after consulting with some 50 other blogging pastors:
Take your own spiritual growth seriously. ‘Nice sermon pastor’ and ‘you’re a good pastor’ are wonderful to hear but what we really want to hear is that you are growing in your walk with Christ
The fact is that ministers are human beings like anybody else. They have feelings…. And they need encouragement!
You are reading an entry from 8th March 2012 in Church Matters, a blog by our general editor, Paul Beasley-Murray.
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